Trends #2 - Virtual Events + New AI tools

We had a great time jamming on this report. Let’s talk about Virtual Events. In case you missed out our previous trends report check it out here — Trends #1  — Paid Newsletters & More[Roundup Edition]


Trends #0 — Virtual Events


Time, location, health and financial constraints hinder physical meetings.


Virtual events reduce these concerns. And lead to experiences that are impossible to physically recreate. For better or worse.


Virtual Events




️ Opportunities

  • Make it interactive. Keep your audience engaged with Q&As, polls, challenges and trivia. MicroConf Remote gave founders a challenge. Get a customer testimonial and bring it back.

  • Startsawdusting.

  • Use registration information to build your list (Rita Barry)

  • Distribute talks through your podcast (MicroConf OnAir)

  • Distribute talks through your YouTube channel (Everything Marketplaces)

  • Turn user-requested songs into playlists (OBFH)

  • Bundle to raise your average order value. Combine your paid newsletter, paid community, digital products or physical products with virtual event access. Teaching an online bartending class? Offer to ship the shaker and glasses.

Key Lessons

  • Virtual events are betterat some things. And worse at others. In-person events give us high-fidelity experiences. Virtual events can remove space and time. And create worlds.

  • Start with the end in mind. Why are you hosting this event? How will participants be transformed? What’s your north star?


“Virtual events won’t replace face-to-face interactions.” Yes. And they’re not meant to. Each type of event excels at different things.

“1:1 matching isn’t new. What about Chatroulette?” Smartphones, tablets and wireless headphones weren’t new either. Then Apple came in. Lunchclub, Bevy, Icebreaker, Run The World and Hopin are popularizing this feature.

“You said that virtual events reduce time constraints. What about time zones?” Reduce. Not eliminate.


  1. Best virtual event you’ve been to? • The tweet behind this report.

  2. How We Hosted a 55 Speaker Virtual Summit in Just 10 Weeks • Foti Panagiotakopoulos shares how he launched the GrowthMentor Summit using no-code tools like Zapier and WordPress.

  3. HeySummit Speaker Directory • A growth tool/marketplace from HeySummit that helps speakers find gigs and organizers find speakers.

Bonus Tools:

Stripe Climate joins an influx of eco-friendly products we’ve recently seen join the community:

Aerial 4 helps you automatically track your carbon footprint. Their public beta is available on iOS.

Greenlist challenges your team to make sustainable choices through Slack.

Neutral’s monthly subscription allows you to offset your carbon emissions with a program of your choice.

Treecard is a wooden, zero-fee, top-up debit card that uses interchange fee profits towards reforestation.

🛒EcoCart is a chrome extension that automatically plants trees while you shop online.